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Resident Stories


Sioux Falls, SD

Antonia, originally from St. Louis, moved around often while growing up in foster care and had become accustomed to the lifestyle of frequently relocating and eventually found herself in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Unable to work full-time due to medical reasons, Antonia has relied on disability benefits to provide for her family sometimes finding herself living in places that weren’t as safe as she’d like. Fortunately, the housing authority connected her with Lloyd Companies and Technology Heights and she hasn’t left since.

“Lloyd Properties is amazing,” she gushes. “I appreciate living here, I value it.”

Antonia is aware that not all apartment communities are the same. “I didn’t feel safe in some of my previous places, they weren’t maintained, and they let anyone move-in.” Technology Heights provides secured entrances, nightly patrol, as well as several other amenities. “They have two community rooms, a computer/business center and utilities are included!”

Having the utilities included has been very beneficial. In the past there were times when she would have to choose food for her kids or the utilities. “It was very stressful, there were times when I almost had them turned off. There were times when I had to donate plasma to get money to buy food for my kids,” she remembered, or she would have to find other programs that could assist her.

Today, living at Technology Heights with affordable rents and utilities paid for allows Antonia some financial freedom.

“This place has provided me stability, a community with family…I’m not planning on moving anytime soon.”

Technology Heights and Technology Heights II were made possible for Antonia and other families through the use of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.